
Location: Brazil

Hi! I'm BlancheMalfoy! Welcome to my blog! It was created for the purpose of sharing my love for HP slash with everyone that feels the same way as I do for Draco and Harry.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hello! After a couple of months, here I am again. Wheee! As you all know, I've already published Lessons in Love, my new story. It seems that everyone is enjoying, and I'm very happy about it. Thank you all for the reviews and the support.

I'm surprised at how fast I'm working on Lessons. I have the whole story more or less planned out in my mind, and this is making easier to write the chapters. I'm very excited about this project, and I can't wait to see people's reaction to the truth about Draco and Harry.

Did you see the icon above?? My dear friend Celly has made me a very cute icon with Lucius Malfoy wearing his infamous T-shirt: Come and check my wand. It's perfect!!! Tell me if it isn't the most beautiful (ahem-sexy) thing you've ever seen!

As for my depression, I'm still struggling against it. To be honest, James is kind of a Mary-Sue, except that my anxiety crises are a lot worse than his. I hope you forgive me for this, but it's a way to deal with my own problems... XD

What else can I say about me? I'm watching Gakuen Heaven and Host Club at the moment, and waiting impatiently for new episodes. Gakuen is really sweet and full of cute boys, and Host Club is hilarious. I recommend them if you like Anime. Thumbs up for both.

And that's it. Lessons is doing fine. I'm doing more or less. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish all of Lessons by the end of July. Maybe. I don't know. It's probably going to have 44 to 48 chapters. Probably. XD Then, for my next project, I swear I'll try to work on Take me Home's sequel. A lot of people have written to me about it, but unfortunately I have zero inspiration to write it... Pray, people, pray. ^^



Ps: I wasn't checking out the blog because I didn't think people were leaving comments to me. But then I saw a few... I'm sorry! I promise to check out more often from now on. So if you want to leave me a message, please go ahead! I promise to get back at you ASAP.