
Location: Brazil

Hi! I'm BlancheMalfoy! Welcome to my blog! It was created for the purpose of sharing my love for HP slash with everyone that feels the same way as I do for Draco and Harry.

Monday, February 08, 2010

OMG 2010!

Alright. I'm really sorry... But I'm here once again. I've decided to keep this blog alive even if it kills me! hahaha I did start writing again. In fact, I did a lot of writing last year. But the thing is, I wrote in Portuguese and I did not finish the story, so I didn't post it. But fear not (I think..), eventually I will post it.
What I have decided to do is start writing reviews here. So look forward to reading about the books I've been reading. Mostly M/M books. *gigantic grin* In fact, I will write one tomorrow about a very sweet story I read this weekend!

ta-ta for now!
