
Location: Brazil

Hi! I'm BlancheMalfoy! Welcome to my blog! It was created for the purpose of sharing my love for HP slash with everyone that feels the same way as I do for Draco and Harry.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So many years later I decide to post again! Wheee! But seriously, I am trying to slowly come back. The last Harry Potter book left me a little depressed... especially that stupid ending, with everybody happily married. A typical fanfic ending! LOL Since the movies are still out there and not nearly finished, I decided to read the last book again, and this time I enjoyed it a lot more. Even the ending didn't put me off. So I have decided to make a come back with a new fic. I suppose I should finish Lessons in Love first. At the moment, however, my mind is filled with this new fic, which is so far called Draco Malfoy and is set right after the ending of book 7.

Does anyone still even remember I have a blog? Probably not. But I will try, even if nobody reads anything I write anymore. I will make a come back. hahahaha

